技術亮點: Technical highlights : 1、一(yī)次性完成閥門(mén)多個孔的加工,适用于批量生(shēng)産。 The processing of multiple holes of the valve can be completed at one time, which is suitable for mass production. 2、采用數控系統控制,操作簡單。 Controlled by numerical control system, the operation is simple. 3、裝(zhuāng)夾采用三爪卡盤,裝夾方便、适用範圍廣。 The clamping adopts three-jaw chuck, which is convenient for clamping and has a wide range of applications. 4、機床采用全封閉式防護(hù)外罩,防水效果安全(quán)性好,配有螺(luó)杆式屑(xiè)器,排洩及時、方便。 The machine tool adopts a fully enclosed protective cover, which has good waterproof effect and safety; it is equipped with a screw-type chip catcher, which is timely and convenient for excretion. 5、各滑動面使用自動潤滑泵裝置,确保機床(chuáng)的使用壽命。 Each sliding surface uses an automatic lubrication pump device to ensure the service life of the machine tool.